About SMU-X Opportunity Award
The SMU-X Opportunity Award aims to support financially needy students who are embarking on an overseas experiential learning course, also known as SMU-X Overseas (SMU-XO).
SMU-XO is the extended version of SMU-X where students embark on overseas projects directly with the foreign partner organisations and/or universities. Students will have opportunities to visit ASEAN cities (not limited to) to learn and study markets conditions to devise relevant business solutions to partner organisations
Interested to find out how you can make a difference and help our students?
There are other SMU-X Overseas Financial Awards, including the Jakkie Choo-Tradecom SMU-X Overseas Exposure Grant and the Kwai Fong & Raymond Goh SMU-XO grant aimed to assist students facing financial constraints, ensuring they can fully engage with the enriching SMU-X Overseas courses. Click here to find out more »

Stories from our SMU-X Overseas Financial Award Recipients
Click below to read stories from our Jakkie Choo-Tradecom SMU-X Overseas Exposure Grant and SMU-X Opportunity Award recipients.