About The Course
Through the course, I was able to pick up on storytelling techniques and how we can create brand narratives to help organisations and brands effectively connect with their audiences, changing beliefs, attitudes and behaviours. This course also harnesses us skills to use Generative AI tools, such as Runway (https://runwayml.com/), Eleven Labs etc., to create scenes, images and audio for narrative creation. In addition, we managed to apply what we have learnt to a real-world overseas client project, with TikTok Japan, whereby we shared our research insights and proposed brand narrative, with the aim to increase the overall time spent on TikTok for Japanese gaming content creators.
一期一会, Ichi-go ichi-e, is a Japanese idiom that translates to “one time, one meeting”, “once in a lifetime”— and Prof Mary Quek introduced this phrase at Meiji University. This phrase aptly encapsulates my thoughts and feelings about this trip. It has been an incredibly unique, insightful and interesting learning experience for me. I had the opportunity to learn so much more about Japan and its cultural nuances that influence them.
There were definitely many firsts for me throughout this trip, being able to interact with the local students helped me to gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and values, and I am really thankful for the new friendships forged during the trip. Moreover, the various company visits have provided me with valuable insights into their media landscape, ideation processes behind creative marketing projects and branding, as well as picking up knowledge about the Japanese market and consumer behaviours.
This trip has been enjoyable and was a moment of personal growth for me, apart from the company and university visits, it was eye-opening to witness the beauty of Japan. Exploring the bustling streets of Shibuya and Harajuku, watching a traditional Japanese performance, and visiting the serene parks and shrines allowed me to immerse myself in Japanese culture. Having always watched various aspects of Japan in online videos when I was younger, it was amazing to finally experience it in real life. This learning journey outside of a typical classroom setting has been incredibly impactful for me, and it was also lovely to have experienced this adventure together with my classmates and Prof Mark, it was indeed an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will always treasure.
Thank You Notes to Benefactors
Dear Benefactors, I am extremely grateful to be awarded with this SMU-X Opportunity Award, I have been able to expand my knowledge so much more through this overseas experiential learning course, it has been a real eye-opening experience for me. Being able to immerse myself in a new culture and learn directly from industry leaders through the various company visits has been invaluable to me. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for your generous and meaningful support, which has made this journey possible for me. Being able to bring learning beyond the classroom has been incredibly impactful and life-changing for me. Thank you so much once again for this incredible opportunity.