Understanding of Sustainability Issues

Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In business, sustainability refers to doing business without negatively impacting the environment, community, and society as a whole. Beyond helping curb global challenges, sustainability can even drive organisations’ success.
As part of the SMU-X curriculum, students are required to solve real-world problems provided by the industry so as to create meaningful impact on a large scale. As students examine the project challenges, they are challenged to reflect on how their proposed solutions will have an impact on sustainability, considering not only the success of their industry, but the environment and community as well.
Why is this important?
Sustainability issues are not just focusing on addressing environmental issues, but also on social equity and economic development. More than a trend, sustainability is a mainstream issue that all businesses and societies are talking about today. Virtually all of the world’s largest companies are required to report on their sustainability efforts and set goals (such as aligning to the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals); and the importance of sustainability can be seen beyond just “doing good”. The strongest motivating factors to adopting a sustainable mindset include building, maintaining, or improving reputation; meeting various stakeholders’ expectations and demands; and developing new growth opportunities. In other words, “doing good” can have a direct impact on an organisation’s ability to “do well”. Due to this opportunity, it is clear why many organisations have adopted these practices.

Tips on how we can cultivate these knowledge and skills
- Sustainable living is more than doing good for the environment, but also how . Be more mindful of ways we can create more sustainable impact on a personal scale – a sustainable mindset starts with you!
- Instil a sustainable living culture – tell your co-workers, friends and family if they ask and promote sustainable living and mindsets. Be sure to compliment them on their good habits!
- Look up on the organisations that you are passionate about / interact with frequently – find out if they support sustainability, and reflect on their ethical impact and sustainability practices.