There are two main parts to this course. The first part explains the functions and structure of Financial Markets, helping students to understand the meaning and behavior of interest rates. That serves as the background for the second part, in which the banking system and monetary policy theory and strategies will be introduced. Both parts will highlight the management roles of the Central Bank.
This course aims to help students: Understand the keys theories and strategies in Monetary Policy and Financial Markets Management especially from the Central Bank's point of view, Solve real-world problems to a Central Bank (related to Monetary Policy or Financial Markets) and learn how to work in a project group, Gain insight into financial markets an well as the business environment and culture in Vietnam through mini cultural activities and Vietnam theme presentations, Develop potential networking, and other life skills through the study mission (if travel al- lowed) and by interacting with business leaders in Vietnam (through guest speaker sessions).

Students evaluated the alternative choices of monetary policy instruments for Vietnam, and proposed recommendations to the project champion on how they can approach their work.