Advertising has been a powerful marketing tool deployed around the world for decades by companies and organizations of all sizes and types.
Over the years, consumers and audiences have become more media and advertising savvy. The rise of the "Information Society" and the perspective of media convergence is revolutionising the whole communication environment. And Advertisers are now more aware regarding accountability, cost efficiency and R.O.M.I. (Return On Marketing Investment). The result is a dramatic evolution in Advertising and the industry has to face new and challenging scenarios.
This course aims to prepare students to develop and implement state-of-the-art Advertising strategies that engage, influence and persuade target audiences employing a sustainable balance of creativity, effectiveness and efficiency. The course will be a "hands-on" learning experience where students work as teams doing research, target analysis, media evaluation and creative development.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Reach strategic decisions via research, analysis, thought and informed judgment.
- Create, analyse, and apply basic forms of consumer research.
- Demonstrate basic market segmentation, target audience profiling, and brand positioning skills.
- Create a basic advertising strategy statement, creative brief and positioning statement.
- Analyse and discuss the communication strengths and weaknesses of major media and the concept of a "media neutral" approach.
- Evaluate, present, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of various advertising strategies and plans in a professional manner.

Students proposed innovative ways and ideas to increase Scene Shang's brand awareness and market share in Singapore, including suggesting proposals on their current marketing and outreach initiatives that can better resonate with the target audience in Singapore.

Students proposed ideas to redefine SMU's value propositions, brand position, to convince prospects and their parents to apply and readily accept SMU as the university of choice.

Students evaluated the company's current brand strategies and current customers' perceptions, and suggested ideas on how to refresh the brand in order to appeal to more affluent Singaporeans, as well as people in Southeast Asia and Australia.