This course critically explores the concepts, processes and practices behind strategic planning and decision-making in arts and cultural organisations today. Through analysing real-world scenarios and proposing concrete solutions, students will be introduced to key issues affecting arts and cultural management, including governance, organisational structures, operational considerations, industry and community needs, and resource allocation.
Upon completing this course, students should possess the strategic foresight and reflexivity to identify and respond to potential barriers, opportunities and signals of change for arts and culture, as well as develop the competencies required to be astute arts and cultural managers.

Students explored the past, present and future roles of arts management in a chosen art world in Singapore, which range from visual art galleries to art photography and theatre intermediary spaces, and presented their findings to unearth fresh and evidence-based perspectives on the needs, gaps, challenges and opportunities facing arts managers in Singapore.

Students explored main challenges local emerging artists faced, and recommended what potential roles arts managers can do to mitigate such challenges, in hope to provide a more nurturing visual arts ecosystem where local commercial contemporary art galleries can be a 'home' for local emerging artists.