Paul Lim
- OBHR 233 – Employer Branding for HR (Indonesia)
- Resilience
- Mentoring
- Inter-Generational Leadership
Publications or published articles related to SMU-X projects (if any).
“The Role of Complexity Management in Strengthening Personal Resilience in Undergraduate Students on Overseas Experiential Learning Projects” – Manuscript in Preparation
What you envision for your area(s) of interest and research etc
A tertiary education should prepare students for work life. Adulting is not easy, but tertiary instructors can play the role of a facilitator through real-life projects to help students prepare for their career journeys ahead.
If you might have a favourite book/ quote/ movie/ musical/movie character /special talent.. please do share your favourite(s)! And let us know why it is your favourite!
- Quote: “Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo” A Latin phrase meaning ‘Firm in principle, gentle in manner’
- Book: “Whatever you think, think the opposite” by Paul Arden
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