Lim How Khang
- LAW 4022 – Digital Innovation for Access to Justice
- Legal Technology and Innovation
Your favourite/ most memorable project
The Probate Helper and the Virtual Legal Clinic projects by the students who took my SMU-X course LAW4022 earlier this year truly exceeded the project sponsors’ and my expectations. The Probate Helper team went on to represent SMU in the Iron Tech International Invitational 2021 and they tied for 1st runners-up spot on SMU’s first attempt.
Publications or published articles related to SMU-X projects (if any).
I am currently working on a project called “Pilot Survey of Legal Needs and Access to Justice in Singapore” funded under the Singapore Judicial College’s Empirical Research Grant. The results will be published in a paper after the survey has been completed.
What you envision for your area(s) of interest and research etc
I would like to quote from the Chief Justice of Singapore’s recent speech to the newly called lawyers at the Mass Call Ceremony 2021:
“… as professionals, we are called to rise above our self-interest and to fulfil our calling to serve the public in the administration of justice. If we truly believe in this, then we must surely come to see technology not as a competitor, but as a partner in service of the ends of justice.”
If you might have a favourite book/ quote/ movie/ musical/movie character /special talent.. please do share your favourite(s)! And let us know why it is your favourite!
“So many things are possible just as long as you don't know they're impossible.” – The Phantom Tollbooth
This quote is from one of my favourite books.
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